Angol Matematika

Mathematics definitions and rules (to 11.a)


-Half-line: any point contained in a straight line divides it into two rays (half-lines)

-Def.: an angle is the figure formed by two rays proceeding from the same point (endpoint)

-The rays are called the sides of the angle (or arms) and their common point is called the vertex.

-The unit of measure for angles is the degree (°).

-The fractional part of the degree is the minute: 1°=60'.

-The fractional part of the minute is the second: 1'=60".

Types of angles

0°-90°acute angle

90° right angle

90°-180°obtuse angle

180°straight angle

180°-360°concave or reflex angle

360°full rotation, full angle

Special cases of angle pairs

-Two angles are

complementary if their sum is 90°

supplementary if their sum is 180°

-Two angles form

a one-position pair if their corresponding sides are parallel rays with the same orientation

an alternate pair if their corresponding sides are parallel rays with the opposite orientation

a vertical pair if their corresponding sides form straight lines

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Mai: 13
Tegnapi: 23
Heti: 42
Havi: 317
Össz.: 41 560

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Oldal: Angles
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