Angol Matematika

Mathematics definitions and rules (to 11.a)


Set is a basic concept, we don't define it. A set has got elements or members. The number of the elements of a set can be finite or infinitive. The symbol of a set is always a capital letter (A,B,C). Sets are denoted by capital letters. The elements of a set can be listed between braces{}. The symbol nevtelen.gif denotes that an element belongs to a set (9nevtelen.gifA nine belongs to set A). The symbol nevtelen5.gif denotes that an element doesn't belong to a set. The empty set or null set doesn't have any element. The symbol Ø stands for empty set.                         We can define sets by:

  • listing its elements
  • giving clear instructions

Two sets are considered to be equal, if and only if then elements are the same. Set A is a subset of set B if each elements of set A belongs to set B, too. Every set has at least two subset: itself and the empty set.

Set A is true subset or proper subset of set B if set A is a subset of set B but it isn' t equal to it.

If there are n elements in a set, the total of subset is N=2n

Universal set is a set which contains all the available elements for that problem.

Complement of set A contains all the elements which belong to the universal set, but don't belong to set A.

Sets problem can be solved by using Venn-diagram.

The universal set is represented by a rectangle, (sub)sets are represented by closed curves. 

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